Swami Brahmananda Saraswati: There is no sin in changing one’s guru


Teaching number 69: There is no sin in changing one’s guru

Some people say that once you have taken up a guru you should not change to another guru. But this is not an established teaching of the sastras, but rather a mental concoction. One takes a guru for one’s own welfare. As long as one has not realized Bhagavat,  one’s guru can be changed. 

We should not see any devotee of a guru who out of fear of taking on a new guru must remain studying in his guru’s class. 

Just as one might take a different school class, so changing your guru is natural svabhàvika. A former guru is not insulted; he will still be respected as a guru. But to advance in learning, one must accept discipleship to new gurus.

Shukadeva, son of Vyàsa, first acquired knowledge from his father, then he learned from Shankara (shiva), and then he learned from Nàrada. Finally, he approached Janaka to take discipleship. 

Therefore, the idea “I have taken up with one guru, and so I will not take another”

Such an idea is completely worthless and is an obstacle to our welfare.

One should not waste one’s life by accepting this completely ridiculous argument. Countless lives have been spent wandering in various births like this, and so now, after obtaining human birth, you should be careful. Learning the nature of spiritual practice from higher and higher gurus, and carrying out all your actions according to the Veda and Shastras, worship Bhagavàn with Bhajans and Puja, and it is certain that you will cross the ocean of Samsara