The guru is a boat that crosses the ocean of being. It is very rare to get a satguru in Samsara, and yet everything is easily attained here too. Vedas and shastras are full of mantras, there is no shortage of mantras. However, the mantras given in books are like a heap of bullets. There may be hundreds of varieties of bullets piled up, and one may also have a gun, but they will be useless unless someone can advise which caliber to use from among the pile of bullets.
Nowhere in the scriptures do we find a teaching that gurus should go to their disciples. Nowhere do we find a teaching that disciples should send a car for their guru. Disciples should go to their guru, this is respectable. However, since gurus have come to depend on their disciples for their livelihood guruhood’s respectability has been besmirched. Who is a raj guru (royal guru)?They are raj goru. A goru is an animal. Such a guru, like a king, will have a lot of property, he will begin riding in cars, and what’s more, he enjoys all heavenly comforts, so now he drops his own purushartha. He stops thinking about the welfare of his disciples, and does not bother even if they are bound for hell.
If the guru cannot give knowledge of the self (atma jnana) to the disciple, of if he cannot make him see Bhagavan, but instead continues to take his money, then he will definitely go to a terrible hell. I accept someone as my disciple, then I work hard to help him obtain the knowledge of the Self or to have vision of Bhagavan. If the disciple is incapable of accomplishing this due to his own unfitness, only then am I saved from going to hell. Knowing this, I do not take financial or other services from any disciple whatsoever.